Mass intention stipend software

A stipend is simply an offering, and a priest cannot refuse to offer a mass for a persons intentions if that person is not in a position to be able to offer a stipend. Mass intentions are a form of intercessory prayer that allow you to join your prayers to a priests prayers as he offers mass. Catholic mass intentions online scheduling software for masses, supports multiple offerings per mass, lamp and candle intentions and celebrant scheduling. Enter your mass schedule dates yourself, import your schedule from a file or other calendar, or have us set it up. Historically, the purpose of offering a mass stipend for a particular mass intention has been twofold. Click on the button to open the settings and reference tables form the entry form is displayed and consists of the following tabs. Multiple intentions module for vigil and sunday masses or all masses. Mass intentions and stipends part i canon law made.

Mass intentions and stipends part ii canon law made. Catholic church mass intention scheduling tracking software. A single church with 8 masses or less each week receives the basic package. I have found the mass intention software mist to be a most comprehensive piece of software and totally suited to use in a parish setting. Request a mass intention the basilica of saint mary.

As a rule, a priest may only offer one mass per day, although there are occasions when he is permitted to offer more than one mass in a single day c. Mass intention and stipend handling guide diocese of rockford. We offer different packages for our mass intentions online scheduling software to meet the needs of your parish with a single church or multiple churches. Training and phoneemail support is always available. Catholic mass intentions online scheduling software for masses, supports multiple offerings per. Canon law requires that all stipends taken for mass intentions be said for the intention as designated. Intentions will not be recorded until the stipend is received. Secondly, the stipend is given to the priest, not the parish, so the parish secretary, or anyone else, has no business making any remarks, positive or negative about the. He takes the stipend for the announced intention of the mass. Our mass intentions system runs online, which means theres nothing to install on your computer and your data is always up to date no matter who views it. Originally, mass stipends were generally the means by.

Mass intentions and stipends part ii canon law made easy. Request a mass intention if you would like to have holy mass offered at the abbey for your intentions, please supply the name of the person, or persons, for whom the mass is to be offered and whether for the repose of their soul, if they are deceased, or for their wellbeing and intentions. Promptly record the intention and stipend amount in the parish mass intention. Catholic electronic mass intentions online software. It not only keeps track of mass intentions, the donor, the stipend, etc. Donate stipend for mass intention good news ministries. Calculate stipends and report bination counts and amounts using your formulas. I highly recommend this software to anyone who must keep track of mass intentions, stipends and ministry scheduling. The following steps should be completed prior to entering mass intention requests note. The mass intention if a single individual, please notate if they are living or deceased if youd like the first available mass, or mass offered on a particular date the mass intention book fills up quickly, and the first available mass is usually six months out from the current date name. On the one hand, the money that a priest received for saying his daily mass for a specific intention was essentially his source of incomeand in some poorer countries india comes to mind it sometimes still is. A mass intention is a gift of prayer that you can give to yourself, a loved one, a couple, a family member or a friend. Mass intention scheduling software pricing we offer different packages for our mass intentions online scheduling software to meet the needs of your parish with a single church or multiple churches.